Sustainability and environment

As gentlemen, we have a great focus on the environmental impact we have in our long and short term work.
This means that we try to have environmental thinking in everything we do and we are constantly trying to find solutions for our Gentlemen of Sweden that affect our planet as little as possible.

To read more about how we work with the environment and sustainability, see our sustainability page.

We also do not consider our environmental work “finished” as there is always something we can improve on.

Packaging and raw materials
One of the simplest and most effective measures is to ensure that all packaging and raw materials that can be purchased in Europe are purchased there, and we also require this of our suppliers. In this way, we avoid long and unnecessary transportation, all to the detriment of the environment.

We also have a strong focus on the content of potentially environmentally harmful substances in the raw materials and materials
used in our production. Our team keeps up to date with development and research, and of course we are in close contact with our suppliers to ensure that we are always up to date with the latest standards on the market. All production is planned so that we have as little waste as possible.

Of course, we follow GMP and all government regulations on how we manage production, so we have as little environmental impact as possible.

GMP stands for Good Manufacturing Practice, which aims to ensure that our manufacturing follows a constant process that is predetermined so that we always do things the same way in our production. The aim is to provide you, the customer, with a product you can always rely on.

GMP focuses on the fact that we:
– Have good knowledge of our suppliers.
– Have full knowledge of all ingredients we use in production.
– Control quality after manufacturing and packaging.
– That we take responsibility towards our customers regarding everything related to our products.

Everyday life
In both our office and factory, we try to integrate the environment into everyday life. We sort waste, use cleaning products that are gentle on our environment, work continuously to reduce the consumption of electricity and water, we buy renewable electricity. We avoid travel and use video conferencing for our internal and external meetings as much as possible.